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duminică, 4 decembrie 2011

TV better than books.


      For most people watching television is better than reading books. But books are a source of information; are  cheaper ;there are many more books than tv channels ;the reader can choose the book or the  part of the book they want to read and speed readers can read faster than they get the information from a tv programme.
      Here are some arguments why TV is better:
1.Television is a very popular mean because there are a lot of channels to choose.  Television is so popular that it has become a part of our daily routine.
2.Relaxing is another reason that people watch television.
3.Another fact is that televisions can be found everywhere. 
4.TVs only need to be switched to provide information or entertainment.
5.One image makes one thousand words.
      In my opinion both books and TV are great sources of information, but TV is very relaxing and is the better mean.

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